Uploading data without an Ethernet Shield


I am building a wireless e-health device using a shield designed by the folks over at Cooking-Hacks. I am using a Zigbee for the wireless transmission of the measured data. Initially I was using a ConnectPort X4 (gateway by Digi) to house the data for online access but due to the MAC Address restrictions in my University, I had to scrap that.

Now I was wondering whether it is possible to transmit the data using 2 Zigbee radios and 2 Arduino boards, and then uploading the received data to a hosting website like ThingSpeak without using an Ethernet shield.

Any hints or ideas would be greatly appreciated,


The Ethernet Shield or Wifi Shield connects the Arduino to the internet.
How else would you send data to the internet ?

The Ethernet Shield can set its own mac address. Perhaps you can select a mac address that is allowed.

Thanks for the reply,

The problem is I want to make the system wireless (through Zigbee), while not having to add any more hardware due to cost restrictions). Also as I am working on the University's premises, getting a MAC address assigned will take a long time (which I am keen to avoid)

There will be 2 Arduino boards, one measuring the data (and transmitting it) and the receiving board connected to a PC. Is it possible to upload that serial data straight to a data-hosting website.

No, sorry, that is not possible.

You can use the computer. Perhaps a scripts or software that reads the Arduino data and passes it on to ThingSpeak.
But not directly from the Arduino without extra hardware to connect to the internet.


Hmm appreciate the help. I am currently trying a thing called XIG (Xbee Internet Gateway), which acts as a gateway for Xbee to connect directly to the Internet. Will see how it goes.

Again thanks for your time and advice,


That could work. I did not think about that.
But it costs 10 times more than an Ethernet clone shield and you would still have the mac address problem.
Let us know when you have it working.