Uploading problem with Arduina Mega 2560

I have a sketch consisting of four files. If I verify/compile this sketch and then attempt to upload it to the Mega, the upload does not successful complete. It indicates "Uploading..." and has a message indicating "Binary sketch size12,082 bytes (of a 258,048 byte maximum). But the upload does not complete successfully. The green progress bar is stuck at about the 90% area.

Can anybody offer any solutions on how to successfully complete this upload?

Also, I checked the FAQ's and found the following:

Why does the Arduino software freeze when I try to upload a program? (on Windows)?

This might be caused by a conflict with the Logitech process 'LVPrcSrv.exe'. Open the Task Manager and see if this program is running, and if so, kill it before attempting the upload. more information

I verified that LVPrcSrv.exe is not running.

After letting the Arduino software stay in this "Uploading" mode for more than five minutes, I get the following message:

avrDude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout

Not sure what this message means.

Just updated the COM port driver for the Arduino from the Arduino 1.06 folder. This did not resolve the problem.

Do you have the proper board selected in the IDE config. I have seen similar things when I had UNO selected and tried to update to a non uno board.


Does your code happen to have !!! anywhere in it? For example:

Serial.println ("Error!!!");

Thanx Nick!!! That solved my problem. I had too many exclamation marks in one of my statements. Removed the exclamation marks and all is well. Thanx again!

There is a bootloader that fixes that issue, but for now try to restrain your enthusiasm for !!!

You may find other useful tips there.