Uploading Sketch by RX Pin 0 and Tx Pin1


I am trying to upload my sketch to Arduino Mega using RX(D0) and TX(D1) using USB to TTL Serial Converter. The converter works very well, uploading sketches to Arduino Pro mini and Nextion HMI display. With Arduino Mega, I am only able to receive data from my Arduino like in Serial monitor, but when uploading my sketch, I got
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
I tried it on different boards and with Uno boards and got the same results, Only reading, not writing.
Would you please advise how to solve this problem?

how did you connect the USB to TTL Serial Converter?

Thank you very much for your reply.
I use this Yizhet 2PCS USB to TTL Serial Converter with 5 PIN Jumper from Amazon

Or USB to UART TTL Serial from Rapid

They both work very well with Pro mini and Nexion for reading/Writing and only reading for other boards.

I only see 4 pins I assume it's Rx, Tx 5V and GND

On other adapters you have the DTR signal which is needed to reset the Arduino at bootload time

➜ try holding the RESET button of your Mega whilst the IDE is compiling and when you see the notification that the IDE is trying to upload, release the RESET button.

disconnect the USB cable

Thanks for your reply. I don't have a USB cable at all. My Arduino needs to fit inside a sealed box, and I use a waterproof connector to program and read data to the PC. the connector works very well with Pro min ( used for test). I will try the previous comment and check another TTL convertor with DTR and see if there will be a change.

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