Uploading sketch with CLI?

Are there any way (maybe CLI) to upload Arduino sketch to Uno in Mac which don't have Arduino IDE and Java installed?

Or some other GUI app which don't require Java and Arduino IDE installed? Newbie friendly.

If you have the .hex file you want to install, I offer a standalone programmer that loads a file from SD card into an Arduino via the ICSP header (or equivalent +5, Gnd, Reset, SCK, MOSI, MISO pins).
All you need is 3xAA battery pack, or a higher voltage that can be regulated to 5V. 4 GB Sandisk SD card and 6-pin ribbon cable included.
Put the file on the SD card, select the file, push the start button.
File must be named CODExx,HEX, with xx = 00 to 0F for the one-display card (16 files possible), or 00 to FF for the dual display card (256 files).

If you have the .hex file you want to install, I offer a standalone programmer that loads a file from SD card into an Arduino via the ICSP header (or equivalent +5, Gnd, Reset, SCK, MOSI, MISO pins).
All you need is 3xAA battery pack, or a higher voltage that can be regulated to 5V. 4 GB Sandisk SD card and 6-pin ribbon cable included.

Thanks, but i was looking for software only solution. I hope to find simple instructions how to do this using CLI or some GUI app and without Arduino IDE and Java.

Hex file???