Uploading to Mega2560 Using an Atmel AVRISP mkII

I have installed the Atmel Studio software and the USB driver for the AVRISP mk II. I know this because in Windows device manager, when the programmer is connected to my PC's USB port I see a listing called Jungo and under it, AVRISP mkII.

When I connect the programmer to the PC, the LED next to the programmer's USB port turns green and when I connect the programmer's ribbon cable to the Mega2560's ICSP port, the other LED on the programmer turns green.

I have edited the Arduino preferences.txt file to say upload.using AVRISP mkII and saved it (with the Arduino IDE not running at the time of edit.)

My code compiles in Arduino 1.0.5 but when I select File|Upload using programmer, the IDE throws an error saying "avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb"

What am I doing wrong?


Arduino does not use Jungo, it uses LibUSB or something like that. The drivers are located in one of the Arduino folders.
Search the forum for Jungo, there is a topic from last summer that tells how to install the driver. I'd find it for you, but everytime I search, IE hangs up on me and I have to restart it.

Thanks for the response. Via the Control Panel and Devices, I updated the driver for the AVRISP mkII by browsing to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\utils\libusb\bin. It installed an Atmel driver. In Device Manager I now see LibUSB-Win32 Devices and under it AVRISP mkII. But there is a yellow exclamation mark next to the USB icon and in the Properties window it says that Windows cannot verify the digital signature of the driver.

Trying to upload the sketch to my Mega2560 still gives me the same error message.

More Help please!!


After restarting my computer and noting that AVRISP mkII now shows up in Device Manager under LibUSB-Win32 Devices, everything works and I can use the programmer to upload files. Thanks for your help

Glad you stuck with it.

If you are interested in making the AVRISPmkII work under both Atmel Studio and Arduino IDE, it is possible. Just keep the Jungo driver installed and then install the libusb-win32-devel-filter-x.x.x.x.exe.

This will install a Filter Wizard program that will redirect the LibUSB driver to the AVRISPmkII under Jungo. I've used this successfully and can switch between Atmel Studio and Arduino IDE without issues. (You may need to unplug/re-plug the AVRISPmkII sometimes when switching back to Atmel Studio though.)