Uploading to Nano failure after Nano ESP32?

I've just been trying to get a Arduino Nano ESP32 working. Successful to the point of a simple test sketch uploading and running but I'm not confident issues won't return. So I've put it to one side and gone back to my long running project based on a Nano using ATmega328 (Old Bootloader).

Regretfully I am now unable to upload to the board. This is the typical error

avrdude: ser_open(): can't set com-state for "\\.\COM10"

I can open the serial monitor and see output on COM10.

I have tried another two previously unused Nanos as well with no joy. I have also attempted to upload via a Nano being used as an Arduino ISP which is, typically, what I do. Again no joy.

These same Nanos upload fine on my second Windows PC which hasn't had the various ESP32 packages on it.

Also a standard Uno uploads fine.

I have not knowingly done anything else other than try the Nano ESP32 packages in the last few days.

I am used to Arduinos having 10 years experience with them so hopefully I am not making newbie mistakes.

I suspect what I have been doing with the ESP32 because I haven't done anything else but it seems to me that it shouldn't be related but....

Any ideas anyone? Would any more info help identify what is going on?

Thank you,

Another error with more info has been produced

avrdude: Version 6.3-20190619
         Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Brian Dean, http://www.bdmicro.com/
         Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Joerg Wunsch

         System wide configuration file is "C:\Users\acboo\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\avrdude\6.3.0-arduino17/etc/avrdude.conf"

         Using Port                    : COM10
         Using Programmer              : arduino
         Overriding Baud Rate          : 57600
avrdude: ser_open(): can't set com-state for "\\.\COM10"

avrdude done.  Thank you.

An error occurred while uploading the sketch
Error while setting serial port parameters: 1,000,000 N 8 1

I've never noticed a message containing information about the serial port parameters before.

IDE 1.8.13 will display serial output

IDE 2.1.11 fails to open the port
Port monitor error: command 'open' failed: Invalid serial port. Could not connect to COM10 serial port.

It seems a quite common issue nowadays. Search results on the forum with possible solutions: https://forum.arduino.cc/search?q=%23using-arduino%3Aavrdude-stk500-bootloader-issues%20com-state%20%40ptillisch

Note that the provided solutions might not work for every scenario.

That's a shed load of issues....

I tried the reload driver (CH340G) but it told me it was already up to date.

I have removed IDE v2

I have removed all ESP32 packages from 1.8.13

I now have a compile and upload through 1.8.13.

Although I'm not a believer in coincidences, especially as I've writing software since 1984, in my heart I don't feel this has been down to having IDE v2 or the ESP32 packages.

Is it fixed... may be, but it isn't broken.

I know.

It still not clear to me what the exact cause of issue is. Is it Win11? Is it fake CH340 chips? Is it a driver issue? Is it ... ? Or one of the many possible combinations?

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