Urban element lighting with mega2560 wifi

Hi, I want to light a Square with non addressable rgb strip this project is 6 channels and every channel is about 30 meter strip. I have a lot of problems with this project.

1- I want to use a TTL to RS485 converter to make sure that signal is right after long distance signal transmission but when i write serial data to the converter the outputs don't show any difference and i don't know how to do it.

2-i don't know how to write rgb data in serial for the next converter the second converter is RS485 to RGB+ converter and work with ws2811 setting.

Please to provide a more detail about the project. How do you intend to transmit led control signals via uart? What will be a receiver of these signals on the led side?

Why do you need a ws2811 setting, if you use a non-addressable leds?

Thanks for your attention. the second type of converter is RS485 to RGB+ and use ws2811 protocol. i use Serial write in output pin but i don't get any output from TTL to RS485 converter i don't know what is the right way for coding this. i'm too new with it.

Judging by the picture, I doubt that it uses the ws2811 protocol. There are three separate color outputs on this box, and the 2811 protocol uses a single data line.
Do you have a datasheet of this converter?

It doesn't have a datasheet it has some info in this link but is farsi

But what i know it can use single line ttl too and convert RS485 to ttl in first act
This link says that use ws2811

According of the brief view of the description on the link, the converter uses DMX protocol rather than WS2811.
In this case, the picture is completely logical - DMX uses RS485 as a transport.
To control this converter, you need an arduino library that supports DMX protocol.

something like it:

Thanks i will try it and will write about it

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