Urgent Help Needed: Programming and Review for Arduino Shield with SI4468 Transceiver

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I'm working on my final project, which involves building an Arduino shield for the SI4468 transceiver chip for video data transmission. While I have designed the schematic and layout using KICAD 8 (with an Arduino Uno R4 as the microcontroller), my main challenge now is programming the board to test for data transmission.

As this is my first time creating a board, I would be grateful for any guidance, code examples, or resources to
help me program the SI4468 transceiver with Arduino. Your expertise and suggestions would be invaluable to me at this stage.

Additionally, if you could also take a quick look at my schematic and layout, I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions for improvement.

Thank you so much for your time and support!

The Si4468 appears to be used in some variants of the HC-12 radio module (but Si4463 is more common). The HC-12 module also uses an STM8 microcontroller to drive the Si446x chip and interface to the user's microcontroller over a serial link.
Maybe look at the HC-12 data sheet to get some ideas. https://www.elecrow.com/download/HC-12.pdf

Where is the schematic you mentioned ?

Thank you for your response. I will check out the link. I attached the layout to my first message. However, this is the schematic.