In URTouch library there is no function to get pressure values. So how can we get the pressure values with x and y coordinates.(for arduino due) please someone tell me please.
Also is there any method to take time variation of each points.(Time variation with x and y coordinates.)
1.) Don't crossthread. You already posted the exact same question in the forum. Ask once and ONLY ONCE.
2.) Did you even read the manual for your touchscreen? You can't read pressure (it's quite ridiculous to expect one, I might add), but you can use the methods .getX() and .getY() to receive the coordinates of the areas on the screen being touched. Took me 10 seconds to find that information in a google search.
Why do you need to know the pressure if you already know where the screen is being touched?
Sorry for my mistake. I posted same question two times. Firstly i posted my question under Display tropic. Then I thought that this question is a programming question and this should be under programming tropic. so I posted again it here. sorry.
Yes, already i can get x,y coordinates easily. For my project I need to know pressure values when touch on the screen. And also time variation. In the touch library there is no function to get pressure values. So I'm asking a help to edit the library code if it is able. Because using MCUFRIEND touch pad and MCUFRIEND_kbv library I can get pressure values.
Yes, already i can get x,y coordinates easily. For my project I need to know pressure values when touch on the screen. And also time variation.
But why do you need to know pressure values when touched? Either way, the touchscreen isn't setup to provide such information, no matter how much you change the library. You can make homemade capacitive touch sensors of which you can manually measure the time constant (pressure), but you can't do that with your touchscreen.
So I'm asking a help to edit the library code if it is able. Because using MCUFRIEND touch pad and MCUFRIEND_kbv library I can get pressure values.
I looked at the library MCUFRIEND_kbv.h and I can't find any function that gives pressure values. Am I missing something?
yeah definitely you have missed something. Please checked below attachment. I have attached MCUFRIEND touch-pad's CPP File of Touch Screen Library .
No I didn't, you did. This .cpp that you attached is not part of the MCUFRIEND touch pad library. Not sure where you found it.
TouchScreen.cpp is part of the TouchScreen.h library. If you have a touchscreen compatible with the library, then wire it up to specs, #include <TouchScreen.h>, and use the .pressure() method.
If you have a touchscreen compatible with the library
That part of response is the most important part. Instead of whining about why the developers left the ability to read the pressure from one library, while other developers included it, you should have been posting links to both libraries AND the hardware that they are written for, as well as the hardware YOU have.
I have TFT_320QVT_9341 touch screen. So i need to use URTouch library. So using that touch screen I cant get pressure values right?? I have to moved to MCUFRIEND touch-pad right ??
I have TFT_320QVT_9341 touch screen. So i need to use URTouch library. So using that touch screen I cant get pressure values right?? I have to moved to MCUFRIEND touch-pad right ??
Does the concept of posting a link not mean anything to you? I am not going to google to find the hardware you are using so I can help you use it. Post a link to the hardware.
I am not going to google the libraries for you. Post links to the libraries.
If the term "link" doesn't ring a bell, how about URL?