USART retransmits every time putty is opened

This isn't the exact code, but this is what it basically does.

int main(void)
usart_send("AVR TEST");



The ATmega168 sends "AVR TEST" ounce and then goes into a infinite loop. when I open a serial terminal i.e putty or hyperterminal it receives "AVR TEST".

But the problem is that "AVR TEST" is transmitted every time, putty or hyperterminal are opened, why?

Why does the ATmega168 keep retransmitting every time hyperterminal is opened even though it should be in an infinite loop after sending it ounce.

When the serial port is opened, the board is automatically reset.

The Arduino folks refer to it as "auto reset"...

facepalm wow, that should have been obvious to me lol

I disconnected the RTS and DTR lines and now it works the way I want it to :slight_smile:
