USB Bar code scanner on arduino

hello! i need some help with setting up the bar code scanner with USB. the requirement is to eliminate the need for a separate PC/LAPTOP for scanning. Is there a way to make this possible using arduino??
the idea must be to have an Arduino board, and the USB bar code scanner with other required peripherals. the question is, WHAT are the peripherals that will help in achieving this??

Does USB bar code scanner work with the KeyboardController.h ??

Is there a way to make this possible using arduino??

Yes. You need a USB Host shield, and you need to find/write a USB driver for the device.

the idea must be to have an Arduino board, and the USB bar code scanner with other required peripherals. the question is, WHAT are the peripherals that will help in achieving this??

The ones that will do whatever it is you think they should. We have NO idea what your requirements/expectations are.