USB-capable Arduino-compatible in DIP-24 format.

This board is called Femtoduino. It is a USB-capable Arduino-compatible in a 0.6in DIP-24 format. Since all IP pins are broken out and the board space is really at premium, I have omitted the usual ICSP headers (just plug it into a breadboard to wire up ICSP, or use my ICSP+SD+DAC expansion board that breaks out ICSP and adds a single-channel DAC as well as )

Microcontroller: ATmega16U2 (exactly the one used as USB to UART on Arduino boards, and as Nico Hood have proved, Arduino compatible)
Speed: 16MHz
Voltage: 5V


GND -  1 -+-U-+- 24 - VCC
PC2 -  2 -+   +- 23 - RESET#
PD0 -  3 -+   +- 22 - PC4
PD1 -  4 -+   +- 21 - PC5
PD2 -  5 -+   +- 20 - PC6
PD3 -  6 -+   +- 19 - PC7
PD4 -  7 -+   +- 18 - PB7
PD5 -  8 -+   +- 17 - PB6
PD6 -  9 -+   +- 16 - PB5
PD7 - 10 -+   +- 15 - PB4
PB0 - 11 -+   +- 14 - PB3
PB1 - 12 -+---+- 13 - PB2


How do you guys think?

About programming the thing, the bootloader would be HoodLoader2 by Nico Hood and I will ship a separate pins_arduino.h file that uses the DIP24 pin numbering (with pins 0 and 1 kept as hardware serial pins)

Looks good. I like to make small dev boards as well but when I see this sort of thing

I question the point I have to say. No way to compete with that.

Looks good. I like to make small dev boards as well but when I see this sort of thing

I question the point I have to say. No way to compete with that.

Linux-capable means it have a lot of processing power but not all project need that. (for me if my project does needthose capabilities I would go for Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi Zero instead of that) It is fairly restricted in I/O options. And it is not breadboard friendly. (while my Femtoduino is breadboard friendly as it have exactly the same footprint as a 0.6-in DIP-24 chip)

I like HoodLoader :slight_smile:
So basically a Micro? Why not use a 32u4?

I like HoodLoader :slight_smile:
So basically a Micro? Why not use a 32u4?

Functionally similar to the Micro, not exactly a Micro. This board is smaller, have less pins, and is in a standard DIP package form factor (read: you can use a standard IC socket for this.) In fact the accessories I designed for it (a ICSP+SD+DAC adapter) used long-pin standard DIP-24 socket as the stacking connector.

The 32U4 in TQFP is too large for the .6-in DIP form factor, gives me selection difficulties in choosing pins to expose (and it is a nightmare to hand solder if QFN packages are involved)


Yeah don't get me wrong, the Fempto looks like a clean design and I like it, and a Linux board is just way too much for many things, not to mention the lack of real IO. All good arguments that I also use, and I'm even working on a similar design myself right now.

But I just get a little despondent when I see these amazing boards for $5 when I'll be lucky to market something for $25 and even then not make any profit.

I'm at a loss to understand why I would use THIS instead of a Pro Micro? Other than having the 16U2 which is a subset of the 32U4. When I'm really pressed for I/O on projects, I use Stoffregen's Teensy.

Aside from that, I usually run out of memory before anything else so I've used a couple of Neutrinos. I've also had them go "brick mode" for no apparent reason, almost as if the bootloader was stepped on!

I wonder if any of these USB-ATMEGA boards have legitimate USB VID and PID other than copying them from Arduino LLC. That's the main reason I gave up on making an open source 32U4 based data logger. I could spend $5K somewhere else other than getting a USB VID then there is cost of driver certification etc.

I wonder if any of these USB-ATMEGA boards have legitimate USB VID and PID other than copying them from Arduino LLC. That's the main reason I gave up on making an open source 32U4 based data logger. I could spend $5K somewhere else other than getting a USB VID then there is cost of driver certification etc.

HoodLoader have its own USB VID/PID.

Can you provide the USB VID/PID?

Is Hoodloader project sanctioned by Arduino LLC? It's using Arduino's VID, if you recognize it.