USB card adapter

I'm new and way ahead of myself, but instead of a card shield, can Arduino log data or be controlled by a card in a card adapter like the ones you plug into a computer usb slot? I've got a Lexar RW023 reader.

can Arduino log data or be controlled by a card in a card adapter like the ones you plug into a computer usb slot? I've got a Lexar RW023 reader.

But, I'm not going to provide a link to it. I need an answer as soon as possible. 8)

I'm not in a hurry, just curious if its even possible. Sorry.

That's a USB slave. The Arduino is a USB slave. Without a USB Master around, the slaves just sit around all day and drink beer.

You'd need a USB Host (master) shield and you'd need a driver (that you write) to make the device do stuff.

Writing USB drivers is not trivial.

You'd need a USB Host (master) shield and you'd need a driver (that you write) to make the device do stuff.

Writing USB drivers is not trivial.

Totally! I was whining about the quality of Arduino wifi shield a while back (besides soft/firmware problem, 2 out of 12 I got are dead). On the other hand, due to the same reasons PaulS provided, I can not just buy a usb wifi dongle for arduino. As for your SD slot shield, someone (by the id of fat16lib) has spent countless time to write and maintain a library (driver) for you so you can use that right away.

Ok, thanks gents.

If you have some background in linux, try raspberry pi. You can use a lot of computer peripherals such as an SD card reader on raspberry pi and you can use sensors on it.

If you have some background in linux, try raspberry pi. You can use a lot of computer peripherals such as an SD card reader on raspberry pi and you can use sensors on it.

I have looked at the Pi. I was thinking it might be overkill for what I'm doing on a few of my projects, but the integrated card reader, and as you've now pointed out to me, ability to use USB peripherals sounds cool. I haven't used Linux yet, but think I may put it on my ancient Vista infected laptop. The Pi seems like it may be a bit advanced for me since I don't know a lick of code, and frankly suck at computers. It's time I learned all that. I've got an Arduino Uno in the mail, so we will see how far I can get with learning on that. Lucky for me I found out one of my wifes friends has dabbled with arduino an netdwino and is a techno guy for a living. He already knows I'm gona use him for local tech support.

That person may not be very helpful when it comes to linux. Arduino + netduino means the person is using Microsoft framework (likely got used to MS framework from work). Hopefully he/she likes linux too.

For a few times I tried to learn linux and didn't go very far. Its unix like command magic is not appealing to whoever is used to windows GUI way of solving problems. But since I got the pi, I've learned quite a few things and being able to eventually do something cool with it (pi alone or pi+arduino) has motivated me to read books and look for solutions. If you have used python before then you can get right to programming the pi. If you are choosing c/c++ over python (interpreting not compiling so it's slow), then the learning curve is steeper. The pi forum is helpful.

That person may not be very helpful when it comes to linux. Arduino + netduino means the person is using Microsoft framework (likely got used to MS framework from work). Hopefully he/she likes linux too.

For a few times I tried to learn linux and didn't go very far. Its unix like command magic is not appealing to whoever is used to windows GUI way of solving problems. But since I got the pi, I've learned quite a few things and being able to eventually do something cool with it (pi alone or pi+arduino) has motivated me to read books and look for solutions. If you have used python before then you can get right to programming the pi. If you are choosing c/c++ over python (interpreting not compiling so it's slow), then the learning curve is steeper. The pi forum is helpful.

I've got zero any code experience. I read that if you learn C++ you can transfer it to about any code easily.

Yes indeed. Most modern programming languages are descendents of C and C++ can be called superset of C or a descendent of it. Java is very much like C++ so are C# objective-C etc. You will still have to learn interpreting languages like javascript, python, basic separately. They are all different styles and don't share much. So learning C is the best deal. You get the most help anywhere online and with books.

If it's important to you to use a USB card reader on the Arduino, you might be able to do that with a USB host shield and the associated library. There is a generic storage module (which implements FAT filesystem access), which might be adaptable to a card reader. You would need a Mega and external add-on RAM, tho.

This starts to outgrow the Arduino platform, tho. The SDfat library for SD cards is a better fit for this small platform.

Yes indeed. Most modern programming languages are descendents of C and C++ can be called superset of C or a descendent of it. Java is very much like C++ so are C# objective-C etc. You will still have to learn interpreting languages like javascript, python, basic separately. They are all different styles and don't share much. So learning C is the best deal. You get the most help anywhere online and with books.

My birthday is coming up, so I asked the wife for a C++ book. Thanks for the info.

If it's important to you to use a USB card reader on the Arduino, you might be able to do that with a USB host shield and the associated library. There is a generic storage module (which implements FAT filesystem access), which might be adaptable to a card reader. You would need a Mega and external add-on RAM, tho.

USB_Host_Shield_2.0/examples/testusbhostFAT at master · felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 · GitHub

This starts to outgrow the Arduino platform, tho. The SDfat library for SD cards is a better fit for this small platform.

Well, my original thought was to use the card reader to avoid needing a shield in the first place. Now I have a clearer picture of how USB and Arduino actually work.

I've read books from this author.