USB communication over any wireless protocol

jdy-40 sounds really cool, though why do you think wireless uart is not feasible? i have an upper limit of 25ms delay, and i dont even have a long distance between receiver and senders, maximum of 30cm

Everybody's got a big huge secret but nobody knows how to make it work.

Don't be sorry to me. I don't care if you figure it out or not. Only person you're taking away from is you. You are the one who could have something that works but won't. It's no skin off my neck.

I think you should invest some time doing research, and reading on how things work.

Wireless UART is, but USB seems far too tricky to 'convert' to wireless in a transparent way. Even sluggish USB1.1 speeds would require pretty darn fast wireless connection to make space for the inevitable error checking and redundancy for resending packets that failed. Really, I think it's not a sensible route to take.

gotcha. thanks for all the help!

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