Usb host module for my arduino micro

where can i get a usb host module for my arduino micro. i want to make a project that can get data from a USB N64 controller and send joystick button and stick commands with the micro down the usb and into my nintendo switch.

when i plug in the N64 to my switch the button mapping is not the same for the N64 app on my switch. for instens when i press the direction c buttons there not mapped to the currect buttons, up and left is + and - on the pro controller. i want to make a micro send diferent buttons insted of the defualt buttons.

any ideas?

Did anything on search prove helpful?

arduino "micro" "USB host" at DuckDuckGo

all my searches kept coming up with usb to ttl. i found one CH559 USB Host to UART module but couldn't get it to work, all I got from putty was garbage data.

The Arduino Due had (retired) USB-host shield.
Personally, I have not seen one for a Nano.

Some host shields (specific microcontrollers) are discussed here:
Introduction to Arduino USB Host Shields - The Engineering Projects

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