USB Host Shield + Fingerprint reader + Ethernet

I'm trying to set this up and I want to know if its possible.

I want to connect a usb host shield and an ethernet shield to the arduino and I want to use a usb fingerprint reader(digital persona), plugged into the usb host shield, to send the data from the fingerprint reader to a web service through the ethernet shield.

Is this possible?
If it is how difficult would it be to setup?
Am I better off using an arduino compatible fingerprint scanner?

Digital Persona provides API's to analyze the data from the USB and do all the comparisons so none of it would be done on the arduino. The arduino would only be responsible for sending the data from the usb to the web service and then receiving a response from the web service.

Thank you


Is this possible?

Depending on what ethernet shield you choose you will likely find a clash with one or more of the pins the two shields need to use. There are explanations in the Sparkfun forum on how to setup the USB host shield so it can use different pins on the Arduino if required. I can't comment on the USB fingerprint reader other than to suggest if you have the skills to write the software to drive it once the device is accessible to you via the USB host shield, then yes.

If it is how difficult would it be to setup?

That's a wonderfully relative question :slight_smile: I would think "very" but then there are gurus on this forum who seem to achieve what I'd call impossible, routinely. If you're one of those guys, your answer will vary from mine.

Am I better off using an arduino compatible fingerprint scanner?

If you have this option that should certainly be a simpler path.

Cheers ! Geoff