USB Host Shield interfacing with CDC USB Device

I am trying to communicate with CDC USB device with Arduino UNO using USB Host Shield. I am not able to get and output if i send predefined ASCII command as per manual.
I am using 'acm_terminal.ico' program in this project which comes as a example code with library.
Few other basic info as below:

  • I am using USB Host Shield Library 2.0
  • Host Shield is working perfectly when another Arduino is connected as slave
  • Looking at some suggestions in other post, in cdcacm.cpp i tried changing the required number of endpoints to 3, But no success.

Later i tried commenting below lines in cdcacm.cpp :

[color=#24292e]// if(bNumEP < 4)

But still no success
I see that Acm is not getting ready and because of that communication is not happening.
To find more details of this CDC USB device, after connecting to Host shield i uploaded USB_desc program and attached is output of that [USB_desc_output.txt]
My Gut feeling is based on attached output of USB_desc some tweaks are required in library.
Looking for any support on this issue

USB_desc_output.txt (2.64 KB)

So whatever is a "CDC USB device", where would the code you are using be and why have you attached a ".txt" file rather than quoting it in "code" tags?

Hello, since it was long file so i thought of attaching a .txt file. In case Code tags are better, i would do that as below:

Device descriptor: 
Descriptor Length:	12
Descriptor type:	01
USB version:		0200
Device class:		EF
Device Subclass:	02
Device Protocol:	01
Max.packet size:	40
Vendor  ID:		1D88
Product ID:		0003
Revision ID:		0414
Mfg.string index:	03
Prod.string index:	04
Serial number index:	05
Number of conf.:	01

Configuration descriptor:
Total length:		00A4
Num.intf:		05
Conf.value:		01
Conf.string:		06
Attr.:			C0
Max.pwr:		01
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		08
Type:		0B
Contents:	00020206000A0904

Interface descriptor:
Intf.number:		00
Alt.:			00
Endpoints:		01
Intf. Class:		02
Intf. Subclass:		02
Intf. Protocol:		FF
Intf.string:		08
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		05
Type:		24
Contents:	0010010524
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		05
Type:		24
Contents:	0100010424
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		04
Type:		24
Contents:	02000524
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		05
Type:		24
Contents:	0600010705

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	82
Attr.:			03
Max.pkt size:		0008
Polling interval:	20

Interface descriptor:
Intf.number:		01
Alt.:			00
Endpoints:		02
Intf. Class:		0A
Intf. Subclass:		00
Intf. Protocol:		00
Intf.string:		09

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	81
Attr.:			02
Max.pkt size:		0040
Polling interval:	00

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	01
Attr.:			02
Max.pkt size:		0040
Polling interval:	00
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		08
Type:		0B
Contents:	02020202010E0904

Interface descriptor:
Intf.number:		02
Alt.:			00
Endpoints:		01
Intf. Class:		02
Intf. Subclass:		02
Intf. Protocol:		01
Intf.string:		0C
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		05
Type:		24
Contents:	0010010524
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		05
Type:		24
Contents:	0100030424
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		04
Type:		24
Contents:	02020524
Unknown descriptor:
Length:		05
Type:		24
Contents:	0602030705

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	84
Attr.:			03
Max.pkt size:		000A
Polling interval:	20

Interface descriptor:
Intf.number:		03
Alt.:			00
Endpoints:		02
Intf. Class:		0A
Intf. Subclass:		00
Intf. Protocol:		00
Intf.string:		0D

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	83
Attr.:			02
Max.pkt size:		0040
Polling interval:	00

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	02
Attr.:			02
Max.pkt size:		0040
Polling interval:	00

Interface descriptor:
Intf.number:		04
Alt.:			00
Endpoints:		02
Intf. Class:		08
Intf. Subclass:		06
Intf. Protocol:		50
Intf.string:		01

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	85
Attr.:			02
Max.pkt size:		0040
Polling interval:	00

Endpoint descriptor:
Endpoint address:	03
Attr.:			02
Max.pkt size:		0040
Polling interval:	00
