USB host Shield OR HC-05 Module for interfacing PS4 Controller with Arduino

I want to connect my PS4 remote with Arduino for my project, I googled for interfacing and I found out about the USB host shield and Bluetooth dongle which confirmed that the PS4 remote works on Bluetooth communication so can I use a normal HC-05 module or will the USB host shield be a better option for a very high-speed data communication and a moderate range, also security wise that only my PS4 controller can operate my project, I have been using a wireless PS2 controller (Not Genuine) for a long time now and I have been facing a problem of other PS2 controller of same types connecting to my PS2 receiver, its like only one receiver can allow connection from multiple controllers and the first one to connect will communicate with the Arduino, so to solve this issue temporarily I added like a passcode combination of different buttons, Also if you have a solution to this PS2 problem, help me out here.
