Is there a simple way to use an ISP programmer (to program, for example, an ATTiny85) and then receive serial input from the actual chip with the software serial library?
You know, when using the Arduino IDE, you can just upload to the chip and then open the "Serial Monitor" to recieve serial data from the chip. I'm wondering if I can do the same thing with a programmer: "Upload using Programmer", and when it's running, and view the serial input to aid in debugging. Does such an ISP exist, or does it require modification, or is there a way to modify the Arduino ISP code to achieve this? I must be missing something because I couldn't find much information on the subject, maybe I used the wrong terms.
Is there a simple way to use an ISP programmer (to program, for example, an ATTiny85) and then receive serial input from the actual chip with the software serial library?
is there a way to modify the Arduino ISP code to achieve this?
Yes. But it is not necessary for you to make the modifications. I've already done it and published the results.
You have two choices (and a bunch of variations)...
Software Serial. Advantage: Works with any serial device like another processor. Disadvantage: Sensitive to the tuning of the internal oscillator. Typically requires two pins (TX and RX).
Knock-Bang. Advantage: Reliable over the entire range of factory tuning of the internal oscillator. Faster, smaller, and more efficient than Software Serial. Disadvantage: Does not work with other serial devices. Requires the use of TinyISP (ArduinoISP derivative) (could also be considered and advantage).
The second one says "T2313 is code of ATTINY2313"... I'm not sure what that means but maybe I could use that instead of the USB Tiny? Unfortunately the UsbTiny seems to ship really expensive to my area...
After I get one of these, what would I have to do to get Serial up and running?
I'd also be interested in knowing how to set it up with an arduino as an ISP.
#2 requires the use of TinyISP. That means you will be using an Arduino (compatible) board as a programmer. Neither of the products in your links will work.
Do you have an Arduino (compatible) board that you are willing to use for programming processors?
So you mean I can just use a secondary board (like an Arduino Uno) and just use it for programming processors?
"Secondary board"? That's an unusual phrase for this situation.
Yes. You can use anything like an Arduino Uno to program new processors. Atmel calls it "serial downloading". Most folks here call it ISP or ICSP. (As far as I know, Atmel does not use the ICSP acronym; ISP [in-system programming] is actually a more general term which applies to serial downloading, parallel programming, and downloading via bootloader).
I couldn't find anything of the sort shipping from Europe
I'm going to give it a last shot as I know some folks hate it when posting ebay links, considering it advertising... it's not though, believe me
This one says "Arduino ISP Programmer" and has "USBTinyISP" written on it. Maybe it will work?
Meanwhile, I'd really like a tutorial of some sort which will show me how to get serial IO working from an Arduino Mega to an ATTiny85.
with a programmer: "Upload using Programmer", and when it's running, and view the serial input to aid in debugging.
To achieve that you could use TinyDebugSerial, or SoftwareSerial,
but I would recommend using TinyISP and KnockBang
TinyISP is a modified ArduinoISP sketch (by Coding Badly) that bacically gives
you the same debugging capabilities that you are used to from the Arduino
A last shot at what? If you're looking for something to program processors, any of the products you referenced will work.
If you're looking for something that will give you "Serial IO with PC?" then none of the products you referenced will work. As far as I know, the Pololu AVR Programmer (referenced below) is the only dedicated programmer that also includes a serial converter.
If you want #2 from my list then you just need an Arduino compatible board. An Uno. A Mega. A Teensy. Any Arduino compatible board will work.
If you want #1 from my list then you need a programmer (like the ones you referenced) PLUS a USB-to-serial-converter. This conveniently combines the two...
This one says "Arduino ISP Programmer" and has "USBTinyISP" written on it. Maybe it will work?
For "Serial IO with PC" it will not work. It is just a programmer.
Meanwhile, I'd really like a tutorial of some sort which will show me how to get serial IO working from an Arduino Mega to an ATTiny85.
Ahh, I see. I misunderstood what you meant by "Arduino compatible board" I have an Arduino Mega here and I can just use that. I've already used it as an ISP and I've burnt some code onto an ATTiny already with it.
I will follow the tutorials you have linked, thank you very much for your help.