Usb no detection on mac


I Got a problem,

Arduino doesn't detect the usb port on my mac osx 10.10, it only appears bluetooth ports.

Any solution for me please?

I am having the same issue. Running Mac OSX Yosemite (10.10). Would love some help too

I used the FTDI driver for my mac. It has solved the problem so far.

This was helpful:

The upgrade was successful, but now the wifi shield is not recognized. :frowning:

no way with ftdi drivers :frowning:

Same Bluetooth issue,

waiting for a solution :slight_smile: I tried the FTDI driver but it doesn't work.


I'm having the same issues. I'm running OSX 10.7 on two MacBooks. When I first loaded the ftdi drivers they worked great, but the after a week it was like they just vanished. I've tried the following with no success.

  • reloading ftdi drivers
  • rebooting, reinstalling arduino then reinstalling ftdi drivers
  • uninstalling ftdi drivers throughout the terminal then reinstalling
  • zapping pram and then uninstalling and reinstalling.

I've scoured the internet with no success. Any other ideas?????

I have the same problem. Using Arduino Uno I've:

downloaded the drivers,
reinstalled the IDE,
upgraded to OSX 10.10.

It had been working fine. I was attempted to use the XBee Shield and it was not reading the usb, then I took off the shield and the IDE was still unable to read the usb on the Uno.

Did I accidentally change some setting I can't find?

Does anyone know if it is possible to purchase and use a bluetooth shield/module as the Serial Com without having to set up anything, since, I like the rest of you cannot use my Arduino with USB on Mac.

I know Arduino isn't a HUGE corporation but couldn't this be solved with a patch? Can we use older versions of the IDE?

Found this in another forum post and it does solve the issue for me and others, I can connect with my cheap NANO clone board:

Had a problem on OS X Yosemite with CH340G chip. Installed the official driver first - This didn't work, so I tried to manually load the installed kext and noticed this error in the console:

20/10/2014 00:43:28.492[19]: ERROR: invalid signature for wch.usb.usb, will not load

After a big of googling found this article -

Just to summarise. On Yosemite:

  1. install the driver
  2. Run this:
    ====sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"====
  3. Restart

Note run this means open a terminal on your MAC and enter the complete line between the ====

Does anyone know if it is possible to purchase and use a bluetooth shield/module as the Serial Com without having to set up anything, since, I like the rest of you cannot use my Arduino with USB on Mac.

I know Arduino isn't a HUGE corporation but couldn't this be solved with a patch? Can we use older versions of the IDE?

I use several versions of the IDE on my MAC, Keep each one in it own folder and with it own libraries folder. I append the version number on the IDE Application so I know which version I am running. Sometimes confusing on what is where but allows for using some upgrades when needed or desired.
But it does not matter which version you run the IDE is not why your USB is not connecting.

If more posted the issue on the Apple forums for Yosemite then Apple may make a patch.

I use several versions of the IDE on my MAC, Keep each one in it own folder and with it own libraries folder. I append the version number on the IDE Application so I know which version I am running. Sometimes confusing on what is where but allows for using some upgrades when needed or desired.
But it does not matter which version you run the IDE is not why your USB is not connecting.

If more posted the issue on the Apple forums for Yosemite then Apple may make a patch.

Thanks for the info...I scanned through all of the Bluetooth modules I could find and I think the Adafruit Bluefruit V1.3 could be the answer for Mac users.

It seems to be a standalone Bluetooth that can act as a Serial Com Port out of the box. I ordered one, I'm going to give it a try when it comes in and I'll report back. At the least, maybe this could be a solution for some Mac users

As stated I fixed my MAC issues (previous post) and adding a Bluetooth connection just to load sketches adds one more item in the line. I do like the Bluetooth to serial for remote control if not place for a Blue or Wifi shield.

I understand that you and a few others have been able to fix their issues. Unfortunately I'm sure there are others that like me, were unable to find a solution and are stuck.

I'm just trying to offer a, hopefully working, alternate solution.

So you have tried the command line I post previously

Ok, tried it again...from the start. Your suggestion worked! Thanks.

Now my only question is what does the whole kext business mean with the Enabling Trim article

I was not sure on that myself, until I read the description. It looks like something I may have to obtain as it is used for keeping the solid state drive on the MAC clean and compact (basically looks like a twist on defragmentation). It works on both internal and external SSDs.
But searching (before trying) for the kext command line as listed I found it several places for other uses so I was happy to see that it worked.

I have two Ethernet to serial boards (HLK-RM04 and Lantronix Xport) that if the IDE supported Ethernet I would have tried Bluetooth to serial board if I had one but did not have one handy.
Thought I did think on using a Bluetooth shield/module on my DUE board and working that way, using the DUE board as the interface. Although I guess on it with its two ports I could have tried to do a loop through using it.
But no matter what I wanted to make sure I could go direct from my MACs to any Arduino board.

Well guys, I have tried everything!!!

I have Instaled FDTI drivers
I have instaled original CH341 drivers
I have run sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"

and still not recognized =****

Finally got my MACPro in and loaded both JAVA6 Runtime and JAVA8 JDK developers. Then loaded 1.5.8 IDE, plugged in a true Arduino UNO popped in showing in the ports OK.
Hope in next day or two to try a clone that needs the 341 drivers as well as a DUE and MEGA, NANO, and Micro boards.

So far no FTDI drivers needed, but then on my desktop they were only needed for a couple of odd board same goes for the 341 drivers only needed for a few clone boards.

Of course my MACBOOK Pro is still a virgin, not much other APPS loaded yet (basically just FIREFOX, Pages and Numbers. Nor have I moved over any Arduino sketches or library files.

I will burn a copy of the system report for reference if I see a stopage of a working USB port.

I have tried everything and still does not recognize the USB, does anyone find the solution already?


To get my "CP2102 Module" working I had to install

mac version from

it may work for you

but beware

from what a can tell

after installing this I cannot use my usb's on my mac pro normally i.e. usb sticks, hdd, cdrom drives

it's been a fruitless search for a solution