i have a usb host shield and mega.
for a purpose i need to connect my arduino mega to usb interface printer.
and the device should work like as directly connectrd to PC.
like this instead of PC > PRINTER
i want to make this PC> ARDUINO USB SHIELD > PRINTER.
or can i just input ( D+, D-, Vcc, Gnd ) to my arduino and make 4 output( 4 ,5,6 ,7 ) from board and equaling them . ( D+ = 4 , D- =5b, Vcc=6, Gnd )
will this works
What are you trying to achieve? Replacing a straight forward USB cable with an Arduino and USB host shield does not give any obvious benefit, and to work at all would take massively more work than you are implying. Depending what your end goal is, there may be better ways to achieve it.
i just want to get the usb input to arduino through USB shield and to deliver it via arduino pins.
at that time can i control usb outputs. ( on , off )
Multiple problems including the fact that the printer is GDI, that it is not a straight serial device (and the Arduino interface to the PC only appears as a serial port with corresponding driver, not an available printer with a printer driver)