I'm working with an arduino Mega ADK and would like to use its USB host ship to write/read some data (text file) on a usb stick. I've seen many different topics on that but I'm a bit lost and need a bit help to figure out how I can do that.
I've heard of USB_Host_Shield_2.0 but it's way to big and complex to use. Then I've seen on this forum some post using UsbFat.h and massstorage.h that look nice...
Do you know what librairy would fit the best to this application ?
Yes, it looks really complex to use. That's why I'm very interested in using your library. I think the USB Host shield and the USB part of the ADK are very similar (USB_Host_Shield_2.0 works for both) so it could be doable to transpose your library for the ADK.
Is there a way for me to test your library on the ADK ?
I have ordered an ADK and I should have it in a day or two.
I will soon release a preview version of UsbFat. I need to test it on Teensy 3.x with a mini host shield and likely it will need some minor additions for ADK.
It will then work on Uno, Mega, ADK, Due, and Teensy 3.x.