USB to RSS232 to Arduino

Hey guys,

I happen to have a USB to RSS232 cable I once bought from ebay:

What would I need to accomplish communication between the cable and the Arduino?

I wouldn't really need real-time serial connection per se, but I do need to be able to upload sketches. ICSP perhaps?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Well something like this (linked below) would convert the RS-232 voltage/logic levels to the TTL +5vdc level required for the Arduino. The serial data in and out would wire to the arduino pins 0 and 1 and then you would be able to download sketches from the IDE using the normal bootloader in the AVR chip. You could also make such a converter using a MAX232 chip or equivalent.


So I take it that there's no way to interface the COM port directly with the Arduino, without purchasing an adapter?

Depends on which Arduino you have: I have some of these and some of these, and they talk RS-232.

Got a Duemilanove, Diecimila, a chinese Mega clone and a DC Boarduino I just got yesterday.

The Boarduino is the main reason I'm looking into this, so I can actually use it.

EDIT: The cable I've got is based on the Prolific PL2303 chip, so I think I've found an answer here: usb ttl 232 cable based on prolific pl2303 - adafruit industries