support on Yun

I'm searching to connect an old webcam (supported by linux with gspca-spca5XX driver) to my Yun.
I've found this page USB Video Support [Old OpenWrt Wiki] and it seems that I have to install one of this package (I'm not sure which one is the right one) in order to be able to use it:

Unfortunately, I see , there is none of this package in the Yun repository.
I have tried some days ago to build my own image for add the package I need..but without success (too many errors during the process).
Is there a way to have this package compiled?
Why aren't there all the possible package in the Yun repository?
Thanks you

You're right: I forgot to add those modules. Unfortunately I'm having a hard time compiling linino due to a bug in one of openwrt packages. I'll keep you posted

Hi Federico

I've the same problem with a Trust webcam: it seems in the Linino repository only the "core" GSPCA package (kmod-video-gspca-core) is present.

I too have run into this issue on the YUN as well. I do not see these sub-modules in the package repository. Is there any update ?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


GSPCA is more less pre UVC webcams, use UVC webcam instead of.

Linux UVC webcam list:

USB Video Support

Guide to Setup Streaming Web Cam on the Yun

FYI, newest yun image has more webcam modules than the old one