USBASP error with ATMEGA328P

I have been trying to bootload a Atmega328p with this usbasp but I keep getting the same error over and over again.

avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.

avrdude: error: programm enable: target doesn't answer. 1

avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1

Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override

this check.

Error while burning bootloader.

I have checked connections and attempted the same with another atmega328p with no results at all. For reference I have attached photos the circuitry with this.

You need decoupling caps on the chip (0.1uf, between gnd and vcc, and another between gnd and avcc), you need the pullup resistor from Reset to Ground.

If you're burning the uno bootloader, or something else that expects it at 16mhz, you need to install the 16mhz crystal and loading caps. If you have already done 'burn bootloader' with uno selected, the chip will not be reprogramable until you connect crystal (or some other clock source).

You need to post the pictures in a way that others can see them easily, it's really hard to get the URL out of them and paste it into address bar. For whatever reason, I can't right click on them and do copy image url like I usually can. You should crop out the swastikas in the background of the third image first though; that is a very offensive symbol in the west (I realize it means something different in india, but many westerners don't)

For all its worth, I cannot see or save the pictures either ...
I suspect they have been "pasted" in the text are, rather than being attached using the "Attachments and Other Options" link at the bottom of the screen...

  • dan

For all its worth, I cannot see or save the pictures either ...
I suspect they have been "pasted" in the text are, rather than being attached using the "Attachments and Other Options" link at the bottom of the screen...

  • dan

They were done as images inserted using the image button (like this

). That would have worked fine if he had supplied a working URL - but the URL he used was to a webpage that displayed the images via google drive, rather than to the image itself. I don't know if google drive even lets you embed images (I've had my own server to throw stuff onto for so long that I can't even remember the last time I used someone elses file hosting )