USBasp problems

Hello fellow programmers.
I'm a noob in programming. I know it theoretically and i programmed some atmegs at my friends house and in school. I ecountered a problem. I have a small USBasp programmer and an Atmega8 on it. Im using BASCOM AVR. Now, BASCOM cant see my programmer. I set the under Options/Programmer/USBasp. But under communication im sill having the COM1 and i cant write anything on my little Nutmeg(Atmega). So im asking help from you more experienced guys to help me out :slight_smile: Is there a driver i need to instal who is converting the USB to COM? Is there any other driver i need to install for the recognition? Anything helps. Cheers!
there is also a picture of my programmer.

It looks like a home brew ASP or a bought hobby ASP kit.

Does it have any logo on it ?
Where did it come from shop wise as they may be able to help with a driver.
My ASP also has an AVR chip but I got it from a reliable source and they had the drivers for it online.

It is doubtful that its really on COM 1 but stranger things have happened.

What is your OS and if its windows what does Device Manager show ?
Anything with exclamation marks or that need driver updates ?
If there are you could see if Windows will find its own driver for it.

Which firmware are you using on the asp? I recommend the new one from what was it, may of this year, it's in a thread in the microcontrollers section somewhere.

I think i have figured it out :slight_smile: But thanks anyway guys :smiley:

If you dont mind posting what the issue was it may help others.