I have a sketch that collects data from a BMP085 and data logs it to a uSD card. The sketch works fine when I upload it with Arduino 1.0.3. However, when I upload it using Arduino 1.0.4 I keep getting "error opening datalog.txt" even though I get the "card initialized" message when it first starts. Does anyone know why 1.0.4 would do this? Where do I find the differences between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 for the SD libraries - thanks
PS: When using 1.0.3 freeRam() = 266, with 1.0.4 freeRam() = 270 bytes - why the difference?
Fixed malloc bug (Paul Stoffregen)
this could explain why 1.0.4 has 4 bytes more freeRam than 1.0.3 does, but I still don't know why everything works fine in 1.0.3 but not in 1.0.4 - any suggestions other than comparing the SD libraries which I'll try to do now