Use 3 Servos with Arduino UNO


I'm asking myself if I would need an extra power source/motor shield for my task or if I can just setup 3 servos with my Arduino on the PWM Pins.

I need to accomplish the following:
1 Servo is needed to open a little door.
2 Servos are needed to move two wheels.

So basically I need to control all 3 servos individually. Is this possible only with the Arduino UNO and the PWM Pins or will I need some extra components ?

I know I can control up to 12 servos with the servo library but in my case I also need to power them, right ?

Therefore I was asking myself if a motor shield like this: Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit [v2.3] : ID 1438 : $19.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits could solve my issue here.

Thanks in advance.

could solve my issue here.

There is no issue, just hook 'em up as below, no shield required. And btw, servi don't need PWM pins.

servo power.png

Well sounds great. Thanks a lot :slight_smile: