Use Arduino IDE Tool From Command Line?

Hello all.

I'm working with the latest version of Arduino IDE, but I have a .jar tool that I need to use with it: It flashes a LittleFS image onto an ESP8266. So now I have two seperate versions of the IDE running; an older version that supports the tool and the latest version with the other features I need.

Since I need to flash the files onto the device every time I upload (because they're modified while the code runs), I'm trying to automate this process. Is there some sort of way I can use a command line interface to activate that tool via the old version of the IDE? I've heard about Arduino CLI, but I'm not sure if that would work or not.

I've already tried going into the tools directory and running the .jar file, but it refused to run.

Any ideas?

Hi @tsel1209

I don't think there is any way to do it via the Arduino IDE 1.x command line interface.

Unfortunately I don't know a lot about the Arduino IDE 1.x tools system at the low level so I can't say whether there is some other way to run the tool from the command line. Hopefully one of the other forum members will be able to help with that.

Arduino CLI is a useful tool, but unfortunately it doesn't support use with the Arduino IDE 1.x tools.

You might be able to use Arduino CLI as part of a system that replicates the functionality of the tool though.

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