Use arduino to send text alert with GSM and use local WIFI

I'm new to Arduino and UNO. I want to use SMS messages to perform an alert. I am thinking of using a GSM module but service maybe a problem. The location does have WIFI. I want be able to use the WIFI like a cell phone does. Is that do able or no? Can anyone point me in the right direction to do research?

If there is service, there are countless tutorials on line, describing how to send SMS messages.

If not, then look into using WiFi.

If you want to use WiFi then you need to decide how the alert is sent.

  • If you want to leverage the now usual smartphone approach, you need to explore what it takes to send and receive notifications and the differences between iOS and android (there are lots cross platform infrastructure doing that like Beams, Notificare, …)

  • You could also decide to just send an Email or post something on a twitter feed or leverage one of the internet based platform to send an SMS.

➜ All those have different APIs and security requirements or costs so you need to dig into options and find what’s most suitable for you

If the WIFI is available, you can use Arduino to send SMS message via IFTTT

And if you have an android phone

(make sure you secure your webhooks keys if you don’t want bots to send SMS from your phone - the service has been around for some time so besides security leaks/misuses at the mothership you should be fine)

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