i found controller board with S1D13700
my idea is use it with an EL640.400 by planar.
I want use it not by USB, but by Arduino
Is it possible ? (probably i must use 640.200)
I'm not a programmer, but found this library for arduino.
My idea is simple:
- Buy the pcb controller
- connect it to Arduino
- use the library
it is correct or i need to modifie sw on pcb or on the library ?
thanks for attention
it is correct
You can not connect the arduino to the controller board through the Arduino's USB. This is because the arduino and the control board are both USB slave devices. You need the arudion ot be a master. To do this you need a host adaptor shield. But more than this you need the software to drive the controller board from the arduino. Most likely this does not exist and you will have to write it
Sorry, i explain better:
the usb it is useful only for test the controller+display by PC.
I do not want use USB with arduino.
I will use the library and the S1D13700 pin connection to the digital pin of arduino
so my question is:
Is it possible use this 1SD13700 pcb controller "between" the arduino and Planar display using the library that i posted ?