use-cases: Control DC and Stepper Motors with L298N or with DAYPOWER Motor-9110

good day dear Arduino-experts,

i have some questions about the different use-cases: we can aim differnt scenarios to Control DC and Stepper Motors with L298N or with DAYPOWER Motor-9110 - so - there are some very different use-scenarios:

some one have example how to use l298n with motors.

Friends of me use it with arduino-Control DC and Stepper Motors With L298N Dual Motor Controller Modules and Arduino. and now i need to know which motors i need - and if i need a L298n for my project.

First of all i have to explain the use-case: whether i want to

  • controlling steppers or
  • DC motors as both are different code.

Second - i have to look after the specs of the motors i want to control(voltage/amperage)

considering the L298n: One of the advantage of the L298n; it has a very big forward voltage of 2.8v so is incredibly inefficient that's why they come with such a big heat sink. The only advantage is the the L298n will run at voltages as high as 48v at current as high as 4amp

But wait - for all small robotics I tend to use a smaller motor-driver than the L298n; Note the N298n it is a bit outdated. For small robotic-projects we also can use for example the l9110s as it forward voltage is very low - 0.7v so it is a really very efficient H-bridge motor-driver: but according the specs, it is only rated to 12v at peak current of 1.5amp. That is quite very good - isn't it!?

What i do need is some example code of l9110s and example of connecting the wires. What is wanted: well i need to take a car forward and back.

But first of all it is important to find out which motor i can use with the l 9110? So i have to make up my mind to decide what type and size of motors i should be using.

i thought of using:

  • driving stepper motors or
  • DC motors and

besides that - what are the voltage and amperage of the motors for me to know if a L9110 is suitable for the motors. Here is the datasheet
Wiring the L9110: it is dual H-bridge so can drive 2 DC motors. each motor will need 2 input pins from the micro-controller.

see the project i have in mind:

which motor do you think i have to use - in combination with the L9110 ?

love to hear from you

update: my distributor suggests this one

steppermotor - Schrittmotor-Set DAYPOWER S-SPSM-5V

this is a steppermotor with a driver-module

Steppermotor und Treiber-Platine als perfektes Set für unzählige Anwendungen im Robotik-, Modellbau- oder Lernbereich. Ideal in Kombination mit dem ARDUINO oder Raspberry Pi!

Technische Daten: - Treiber-Board mit IC ULN2003A- Betriebsspannung: 5 V-

  • Status-LEDs: 4
  • Maße (LxB): 41x21,5 mm

Technische Daten: - Motor 28BYJ-48- Betriebsspannung: 5 V

  • Phasen: 4
  • Schrittwinkel: 5,625° (64 Schritte/Umdrehung)
  • Ausführung: Unipolar
  • Gleichstromwiderstand : 50 Ω
  • Drehmoment: > 34,3 mNm
  • Getriebeübersetzung: 1/64
  • Motor-Ø: 28 mm
  • Welle: Ø 5mm, beidseitig abgeflacht
  • Befestigungsloch-Abstand: 35 mm
