I have tried connecting DHT22 temperature-humidity sensor and other NTC based temperature sensor but I could not get perfect result. Any one have any idea regarding that how to use multiple but different temperature sensor with one arduino board.
This is usually no problem. You should describe what problems you experience and post your code and a wiring diagram. Also post a link to the DHT library you're using as the have major differences. Specify which type of Arduino you use for this project. Provide a link to the board you use to connect the NTC sensor to the Arduino.
basically I am using CC3200 lauchpad, these arduino sensors can connect with cc3200 lauchpad, CC3200 have 4 adc pin, that pins we can connect sensors like arduino and using energia, can upload code into cc3200, so I used this code as below...
#include <dht.h>
#include <math.h>
#define dhtpin 24
#define ntcpin 6
float Thermistor(float RawADC) {
float Temp;
Temp = log(10000.0*((4096.0/RawADC-1)));
Temp = 1 / (0.0011235 + (0.000235 + (0.000000084538 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp );
Temp = Temp - 273.15;
return Temp;
void setup()
void loop()
float temperature, humidity;
float temperature2, humidity2;
if (dht::readFloatData(dhtpin, &temperature, &humidity, true) == 0)
Serial.print("\nDHT Temperature: ");
int16_t rawtemperature, rawhumidity;
if (dht::readRawData(dhtpin, &rawtemperature, &rawhumidity, true) == 0)
Serial.print("(raw) T: ");
Serial.print(" H: ");
temperature = dht::convertTemperature(rawtemperature);
humidity = dht::convertTemperature(rawhumidity);
Serial.print(">> T: ");
Serial.print(" H: ");
float val;
float temp;
Serial.print("\t NTC Temperature : ");
Serial.println(" C");
from this link I have taken demo code of ntc based temp sensor
Did I get that correctly, you're not using an Arduino but a TI evaluation board? In this case I would expect the Thermistor to work if connected correctly but the DHT code is very timing critical and most DHT libraries work only with ATmega processors. As you didn't provide a link to the library you're using I guess that the DHT doesn't return correct values. Am I right?
ya,right it did not give correct temperature value and Yes I am using TI CC3200 launchpad.
I used library as below....
Library for DHT11 and DHT22/RHT03/AM2302
Released into the public domain - http://unlicense.org
The DHT library you're using is not very adaptive in timing issues and I would expect many read failures even on a stock Arduino UNO with it. With all that serial output I guess that the delayMicroseconds() calls are interrupted quite often and timing shifts so the library returns errors. Print out the return values you get this may give you a hint how bad the situation is. I don't know the TI processor, so I don't predict any result but you cannot expect every Arduino library to run on it.
ok....Thanks for your reply and suggestions... I will try as you told.