Use Display with SPI and Arduino Nano 33 BLE

Hello everyone, I am currently trying to get a EA DOGM081 Display (3,3V) running by using an Arduino Nano 33 BLE with SPI. The company behind this display has an Arduino Library, which unfortunately was written before the Arduino SPI library was changed. Now I get the following error message in the IDE:

c:\Users\___\Documents\02_Arduino\libraries\DOGM_7036\dogm_7036.cpp: In member function 'void dogm_7036::spi_initialize(byte, byte, byte)':
c:\Users\__\02_Arduino\libraries\DOGM_7036\dogm_7036.cpp:270:7: error: 'class arduino::MbedSPI' has no member named 'setBitOrder'
c:\Users\___\02_Arduino\libraries\DOGM_7036\dogm_7036.cpp:271:7: error: 'class arduino::MbedSPI' has no member named 'setDataMode'
c:\Users\___\02_Arduino\libraries\DOGM_7036\dogm_7036.cpp:272:7: error: 'class arduino::MbedSPI' has no member named 'setClockDivider'
c:\Users\___\02_Arduino\libraries\DOGM_7036\dogm_7036.cpp:272:23: error: 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV16' was not declared in this scope

Here's the download site of the library:
ST 7036 Library

I know that the Arduino SPI library has changed and does not use the setBitOrder, setDataMode and setClockDivider functions anymore. I also tried to comment out these three lines in the source code of the st 7036 and changed it to

SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(1000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3));

Then no errors occur during compiling but the display remains dark. Has anyone got a clue which change it the library of the ST 7036 I should make to get it running?

Thanks in advance!

Commenting out these three lines did the trick. The only problem remains, if you like to use more than one SPI device, as configurations differ - for which the "SPI.beginTransaction(...)" -method is designed, but I don't know how to include this new method into the soruce code of the display.