Hi guys can I connect several devices at the same time and send data to my arduino using HC06 module?
several devices at the same.........using HC06 module?
Your post is unintelligible, but probably not. You might be better off trying to use an NRF24 network rather than Bluetooth. They are made for that sort of thing, have much the same performance, and cost about the same.
Tnx but I want a module which works with Bluetooth I want it to be light and little like HC06 I want to use it on my watch because I can not carry out the WiFi router lol.you mean I can not connect different devices at the same time to my HC06?
Bluetooth involves pairing. Look up the definition of pair. How many things are involved?
An NRF24 is light and little, like an HC-06, and it is not Wifi. The HC-06 is a slave device. You might be able to poll several slaves with a master like the HC-05. You need to be more specific about what you want to do, and about the mysterious watch that has suddenly come into play.
Alright Tnx for the info bro .if i want to be specific about what I'm going to do its a little complex.I'm working on a watch with arduino nano which connects to a phone(with Bluetooth) and gets some data like SMS on its oled screen.wanted to connect the watch to my arduino mega at the same time to send some data and do somethings. Then you said there is something better than HC06 and it's NRF24 network so I thought it might work under a WiFi connection so if not what is it bro a better Bluetooth module than hc or what?
As I said, the HC-05 can be a master. This means it can initiate a connection, whereas the HC-06 is a slave and therefore cannot. NRF is not bluetooth but is a better proposition for interconnecting multiple Arduinos. Bluetooth is better for talking to the outside world, like your phone. I think a single bluetooth can be reconfigured in mid flight to talk to different Arduinos. You may need a separate module to talk to the phone, but it may be possible use just one. All you need is to write an Android app to enable it to work as a slave.
So several slaves can connect to a master and phone Bluetooth is a master by default so I should make it slave as you mentioned but would you please tell me what is the difference between master and slave (not in connection that you mentioned) but about data sending and receiving I want to know it to make my android app by this knowledge Tnx for the info again bro I really appreciate it.
So several slaves can connect to a master
You would have to shut down the master, reconfigure the connection for another slave, and then restart. This means the power to Bluetooth is under Arduino control via a switching device.
and phone Bluetooth is a master by default so I should make it slave as you mentioned
and good luck with that. It would be simpler to do all the controlling from the phone.
but would you please tell me what is the difference between master and slave (not in connection that you mentioned) but about data sending and receiving
There isn't any. Once the connection has been made, it doesn't matter which is master or slave, and the commands are the same. The HC-05 is far more versatile than the HC-06, but it is all to do with configuration and control of Bluetooth, nothing to do with actual communication. Check the data sheets and AT commands. Don't be surprised if you don't understand all of them.
Alright Tnx, a lot for the help dude