I wanted to flash code that uses the SDK provided by nordic. I am unable to do so via USB. Any ideas on how I can flash my code on the board?

I have not got my nano 33 BLE yet but am interested in the same issue. See my post at:

How to upload Nordic compiled .hex file to a Nano 33 BLE (Read 17 times)

If you could try installing a nordic .hex file and possibly brick your Nano 33 BLE that would be really useful so I don't have to brick mine when it comes. :slight_smile:

Method is actually covered in this post here. It actually uses the Arduino bootloader which is very nice. The Nordic sdk makes both .hex and .bin files. The .bin file is what you upload. It was so hard to get the nrf-sdk loaded that I forgot the memory address step and bricked my new Nano 33 BLE Sense. (I am working on a solution to that).

What would be a better method would be to use the Arduino to load the Nordic bootloader so you could use the nordic nrf-connect software for desktop. Not sure if anyone has figured out how to do that yet.

P.S. My solution to installing the Nordic SDK is here using Gitpod (online Docker in the chrome browser that is connected to Github). Online it installs the Nordic sdk and openthread and auto compiles the blinky program just to prove it works. Have not made any lessons on how to use it yet.