Use of a finger as a (touch) button by passing current thtough it?

Hello people,

I am trying to use my finger as a button. I am using two contacts one being the ground, and the other one being connected to the arduino's digital input along with a pullup resistor. I very roughly calculated my finger's resistance and its in the range of megaohms at 5volts (around 2.5Mohms). The problem is that at that kind of resistances, the pullups must also take huge values (>6 Mohms) in order for the pin to go low. This method also implies noise. Is there a better way to do this? Enlighten me please :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance
Have a great great day

It may work, just turn off internal pull ups and connect external 10 M. You also may need a few hundred pF capacitor to prevent false triggering by EMI.

I used a CMOS logic gate I front of the arduino input on my Arduinocaster. Google for citcuits.