Check out page 15 of this students article on creating a self stabilizing platform. The electronic schematic shows two potentiometers connected to the Arduino. Are the pots used on occasion when stabilizing is done maunaly or something else? I thought it did that automatically (what would the point of doing the whole project otherwise be!)! I dont understand really their purpose in this project. Can someone explain and help me? Thanks alot.
xval = analogRead(accelpinx); // read the accel value 0 - 1023
yval = analogRead(accelpiny);
xpotcor = analogRead(xpotpin);
ypotcor = analogRead(ypotpin);
pots are used to correct position. It's common practice in automatic regulated system to have a manual control . for correction or emergency. Think about autopilot, you always could turn it off.
I think the potentiometers are used to "define" what is considered as horizontal in both axis. That is, the circuit will keep stable the platform in one position, but it does not need to be horizontal forcedly.