Use of strings for pinMode argument


I am a new user of Arduino boards, so far going thru the basic examples proposed on the site.

I am facing the following issue :

I have successfully run the switchCase2 example on an Arduino Uno board and I am now trying to get it to run on a ESP8266 based board.

This is the part for which I got a problem :

void setup() {

  • // initialize serial communication:*
  • Serial.begin(9600);*
  • // initialize the LED pins:*
  • for (int thisPin = 2; thisPin < 7; thisPin++) {*
  • pinMode(thisPin, OUTPUT);*
  • }*

Could somebody explain me how to change the 'For loop' used in the void setup, knowing that on ESP8266 the pins are named D1, D2,D3, etc... . In other words, how do I construct a variable to place as argument 1 in pinMode function ?
So far with the different solutions I have tried, I got this error :

cannot convert 'String' to 'uint8_t {aka unsigned char}' for argument '1' to 'void pinMode(uint8_t, uint8_t)'

Thks for yr help


The only safe way that I can think of is to create an array of them and then index it:

byte ESPdatapins[] = {D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7};
  for (byte thisPin = 0; thisPin < sizeof(ESPdatapins[]); thisPin++) {
    pinMode(ESPdatapins[thisPin], OUTPUT);

The names D2...D7 are not strings, they are preprocessor macro identifiers. They disappear in the process of compilation.

What you have to understand is that D1, D2 etc are symbols standing for numbers. For each there is a number you could use. This is perfectly valid.

for(int pin = D1; pin < D3; pin++){

That assumes that they are consecutive.

Thanks very much for yr quick and clear answers, so I understand why trying to play with strings was not going in the right direction.

In the swithCase2 example, the pin are consecutive, but undertand the array would be a solution if that was not the case.


Philippe :slight_smile:

In the swithCase2 example, the pin are consecutive

How do you know that, exactly? You can't tell if the values are consecutive by just looking at the names.