Essentially I want to connect a pushbutton to the D8 pin of a WEMOS D1R2, if possible without a resistor. I could use a different pin for the button, but then I need to use it to enable/disable a A2899 and I am not sure if that would interfere with the startup of the board (see below).
If I connect it to GND and, e.g. D7 and use pinmode(7,INPUT_PULLUP) everything works as expected. D8... not.
The D8 pin is described as "I/O, 10k pull-down, SS GPIO15" (Wemos ESP8266 D1 R2 V2.1.0 Dev Board (Arduino UNO Board Footprint)), but the only restriction seems to be that it must be low at startup.
Anybody can tell me how to use that pin?