Hi All

I had done calculate rpm for dc motor but I have no idea how to interface this rpm code to PID controller and tune the dc motor speed using PID
Need your advice.

This My code

// read RPM

volatile rpmcount = 0;//see
int rpm = 0;
unsigned long lastmillis = 0;

void setup(){
 attachInterrupt(0, rpm_fan, FALLING);//interrupt cero (0) is on pin two(2).

void loop(){
 if (millis() - lastmillis == 1000){  //Uptade every one second, this will be equal to reading frecuency (Hz).
 detachInterrupt(0);    //Disable interrupt when calculating
 rpm = rpmcount * 60;  // Convert frecuency to RPM, note: this works for one interruption per full rotation. For two interrups per full rotation use rpmcount * 30.
 Serial.print("RPM =\t"); //print the word "RPM" and tab.
 Serial.print(rpm); // print the rpm value.
 Serial.print("\t Hz=\t"); //print the word "Hz".
 Serial.println(rpmcount); //print revolutions per second or Hz. And print new line or enter.
 rpmcount = 0; // Restart the RPM counter
 lastmillis = millis(); // Uptade lasmillis
 attachInterrupt(0, rpm_fan, FALLING); //enable interrupt

void rpm_fan(){ // this code will be executed every time the interrupt 0 (pin2) gets low.

I don't see any PID code at all. You should probably add that code.

The PID will have two inputs: current RPM (Input) anddesired RPM (Setpoint) and will have one output (Output). In general you would use 'rpm' for the Input and use the Output to control the motor speed.

if (millis() - lastmillis == 1000){

Let's hope you don't miss a tick.
Use ">=" instead.

That code compiles for me.

The error that you quote is usually caused by a library being installed incorrectly, not being #included correctly or the IDE not being restarted after the library installation. As you are not actually using the PID library in your code that is not the cause here.

What version of the IDE are you using ?

Your code compiles fine for me. No errors.

ok I understand but when I download pid software and compile it using my code its shows error PID does not name a type

this my code


Firstbot PID code:  Implements a PID controller using
analog inputs for actual and desired positions.

The circuit:

  • RX is digital pin 2 (connect to TX of other device)
  • TX is digital pin 3 (connect to RX of other device)

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// define some constants
int ActPos = A0;    // select the input pin for feedback signal
int DesPos = A1;    // select the input pin for control signal

byte PWMOutput;
long Error[10];
long Accumulator;
long PID;
int PTerm;
int ITerm;
int DTerm;
byte Divider;

The FIRSTBOT has a PIC16F1829 controller that controls the
two MC33926 H-bridges on the board.  A oftware serial interface
is used to control that part.
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); // Receive data on 2, send data on 3
byte SerialTXBuffer[5];
byte SerialRXBuffer[5];

void setup() 
  // Open serial communications and wait for port to open:

/* GetError():
Read the analog values, shift the Error array down
one spot, and load the new error value into the
top of array.
void GetError(void)
  byte i = 0;
  // read analogs
  word ActualPosition = analogRead(ActPos); 
  // comment out to speed up PID loop
  //  Serial.print("ActPos= ");
  //  Serial.println(ActualPosition,DEC);

word DesiredPosition = analogRead(DesPos);
  // comment out to speed up PID loop
  //  Serial.print("DesPos= ");
  //  Serial.println(DesiredPosition,DEC);

// shift error values
    Error[i+1] = Error[i];
  // load new error into top array spot 
  Error[0] = (long)DesiredPosition-(long)ActualPosition;
  // comment out to speed up PID loop
  //  Serial.print("Error= ");
  //  Serial.println(Error[0],DEC);


/* CalculatePID():
Error[0] is used for latest error, Error[9] with the DTERM
void CalculatePID(void)
  // Set constants here
  PTerm = 2000;
  ITerm = 25;
  DTerm = 0;
  Divider = 10;

// Calculate the PID 
  PID = Error[0]PTerm;    // start with proportional gain
  Accumulator += Error[0];  // accumulator is sum of errors
  PID += ITerm
Accumulator; // add integral gain and error accumulation
  PID += DTerm*(Error[0]-Error[9]); // differential gain comes next
  PID = PID>>Divider; // scale PID down with divider

// comment out to speed up PID loop 
  //Serial.print("PID= ");
  //  Serial.println(PID,DEC);

// limit the PID to the resolution we have for the PWM variable

    PID = 127;
    PID = -126;

//PWM output should be between 1 and 254 so we add to the PID   
  PWMOutput = PID + 127;

// comment out to speed up PID loop
  //  Serial.print("PWMOutput= ");
  //  Serial.println(PWMOutput,DEC);


/* WriteRegister():
Writes a single byte to the PIC16F1829,
"Value" to the register pointed at by "Index". 
Returns the response
byte WriteRegister(byte Index, byte Value)
  byte i = 0;
  byte checksum = 0;
  byte ack = 0;

SerialTXBuffer[0] = 210;
  SerialTXBuffer[1] = 1;
  SerialTXBuffer[2] = 3;
  SerialTXBuffer[3] = Index;
  SerialTXBuffer[4] = Value;

for (i=0;i<6;i++)
    if (i!=5)
      checksum += SerialTXBuffer[i];   

if (mySerial.available())
    ack =;

return ack;

void loop() // run over and over
  GetError();      // Get position error
  CalculatePID();  // Calculate the PID output from the error
  WriteRegister(9,PWMOutput);  // Set motor speed


My IDE version arduino 1.0.5 . I already copy the file PID_v1 and extract at library still giving the same error PID does not name as type.Need your advice thank you.

But the code posted does not use the PID library. Have you perhaps got another version that does use the library that gives the error ? Where exactly did you install the library folder ?