User input programming question for machining indexer control

New to arduino community and need help starting a project.

Have an indexer project I want to make to replace an aging indexer controller and possibly add more options.
Want to use step and direction control out to a Gecko Drive stepper controller.
Needs memory inputs of + and - degrees. (programmable steps per degree)
Accumulative inputs for multiple stop positions.
speed controlled movement to each position.
Zero return to home position

Capabilities of Arduino.

  1. Can this system take data input via keyboard instead of having to re-program for each project.
    Keypad input to programmable data input.
    LCD screen to tell me where I am in programming mode or position in run mode.

  2. speed to each position if I need to machine during this movement.

  3. multiple memories for each movement.
    memory 1 = 45 degrees accumulative (180 + 45 = 225 degrees)
    memory 2 = -45 degrees accumulative (225 -45 = 180 degrees)

  4. Manual movement to next position or manually entered position change showing degrees of movement.

M = memory S = speed(degrees per minute)
M1 = 45 degrees S=10
M2 = -45 degrees S=10
M3 = 99 (return to line 0)
Start button to start programmed movement memory.
Capability to manually add more memories without having to plug it back in to add more memories.
Zero return button (returns to original home "0" position)
No speed input moves at max speed by default

I found a solution.

I found a solution.

Please share it for the benefit of others.


I found someone had already built a setup that will get me by.
Really nice job.....

For a start I'm using his setup but going to build on it and see if I can add a few things that will help my needs. I'll post my build on completion of my project as soon as I can get all the functions to work.

Link to his setup and build.