It says on the data sheet that it does not need any external components, but within the data sheet it says I might need a 0.33 micro farad capacitor between the input and ground leads. Only problem is, I don't know if I need it or not. Also if I do need it, will this work? 10uf 35V DN Series NEC Tantalum Radial Dipped Capacitor DN1V100M8S (Lot of 5) | eBay
I assume the positive lead on the capacitor needs to be on the input, but I just want to make sure, I don't want an explosion!
For more efficient use of your batterys, you may want to look at getting a UBEC from a hobby supplier like below. More efficient than the regulator chips.
Wow, Thanks I didn't even realize, I looked at my motor controller and it said it has a 5v 2A UBEC built in. I have an extra 2 so I can just pull from my spare parts bin.
I have always powered the receiver from the Arduino's 5 volt power supply and never noticed the motor controllers have their own.
I think a UBEC (which may be different than a BEC) is an efficient switched power supply. You can also find the UBECs on ebay for $4-5 including shipping, which would probably less total cost than the 3a regulator chip.