I am working on a project for school(first time using arduino) where we have to make measure how much water someone has drank out of a water bottle. Unfortunately the only related sensor I have access to (supplied by school) is a liquid level sensor strip (12 eTape Liquid Level Sensor + extras : ID 464 : $39.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits). I am using the following code to get volume readings but am having difficulty figuring out how code for a volume difference, which would give me the amount someone has consumed. I am wondering if someone has any ideas how to code for the amount of fluid consumed using this etape sensor.
Thank you, I really appreciate the time and expertise that people put into forums!
// Configuration values:
#define SERIES_RESISTOR 560 // Value of the series resistor in ohms.
#define SENSOR_PIN 0 // Analog pin which is connected to the sensor.
// The following are calibration values you can fill in to compute the volume of measured liquid.
// To find these values first start with no liquid present and record the resistance as the
// ZERO_VOLUME_RESISTANCE value. Next fill the container with a known volume of liquid and record
// the sensor resistance (in ohms) as the CALIBRATION_RESISTANCE value, and the volume (which you've
// measured ahead of time) as CALIBRATION_VOLUME.
#define ZERO_VOLUME_RESISTANCE 1677 // Resistance value (in ohms) when no liquid is present.
#define CALIBRATION_RESISTANCE 1230 // Resistance value (in ohms) when liquid is at max line.
#define CALIBRATION_VOLUME 500 // Volume (in any units) when liquid is at max line.
void setup(void) {
void loop(void) {
// Measure sensor resistance.
float resistance = readResistance(SENSOR_PIN, SERIES_RESISTOR);
Serial.print("Resistance: ");
Serial.print(resistance, 2);
Serial.println(" ohms");
// Map resistance to volume.
volume = 1+ volume;
Serial.print("Calculated volume: ");
Serial.println(volume, 5);
// Delay for a second.
float readResistance(int pin, int seriesResistance) {
// Get ADC value.
float resistance = analogRead(pin);
// Convert ADC reading to resistance.
resistance = (1023.0 / resistance) - 1.0;
resistance = seriesResistance / resistance;
return resistance;
float resistanceToVolume(float resistance, float zeroResistance, float calResistance, float calVolume) {
if (resistance > zeroResistance || (zeroResistance - calResistance) == 0.0) {
// Stop if the value is above the zero threshold, or no max resistance is set (would be divide by zero).
return 0.0;
// Compute scale factor by mapping resistance to 0...1.0+ range relative to maxResistance value.
float scale = (zeroResistance - resistance) / (zeroResistance - calResistance);
// Scale maxVolume based on computed scale factor.
return calVolume * scale;