Using a DF Player Mini - is there any way to map multiple buttons to one sound?

I've put the below hardware together to play a sound when the white button (near the bottom left) is pressed. It works because it's connected to pins 6 and 7 on the DF Player, which produce the sound (titled 0001.mp3 on the SD card).

Is there any way I can connect multiple buttons to the breadboard that will also play the sound when pressed, instead just a single button?

I know it may sound weird, but it's for a specific project that requires it be set up that way.

Do you need that all the buttons play the same sound? - just connect it in parallel

Or you want that each button play it own sound? - then connect your buttons to controller, for example Uno - and add the sketch for testing button signals and control the player by UART interface

Absolutely. Just connect all the buttons in parallell.

By the way. How long does that rigging play from that poor fire alarm PP3? I'm surprised it makes any sound at all.

I need them all to play the same sound, so connecting in parallel seems to be what I need. Do you have any guidance on how to do that? I'm hoping I can do it w/ the materials I have pictured (plus more buttons) without having to buy any additional parts.

Also, the DF Player only allows for one speaker connection (as you can see I have connected). Is it possible to leverage parallel connections to connect two speakers as well?

Do you have any guidance on how to do that? I'm hoping I can do it w/ the materials I have pictured (plus more buttons) without having to buy any additional parts.

Also, the DF Player only allows for one speaker connection (as you can see I have connected). Is it possible to leverage parallel connections to connect two speakers as well?

Come on man! Buttons have 2 connection points. Just put 2 wires out on the table and put the switches across the wires and connect.

Why 2 speakers? Know that the DF player has a limited output of power. If You select speakers having the double impedance You can connect them in parallell.

Sorry, this is my first project ever and it still isn't obvious to me how to add multiple buttons to my breadboard to all trigger the same sound.

What answer do you expect? Please read something about parallel connection:

replace this resistors with your buttons


Grab pen and paper and make a tiny schematics telling how You read the reply. Then we can get a picture of the difficulty You have.

Using this image from the user above:

It sounds like I should replace the resistors with my buttons, but I don't understand how that connects to the DF Player Mini, or where on the bread board I should even be placing the buttons relative to the DF Player Mini.

I've been reading up but it still isn't entirely clear. For example, in your diagram, where should I be placing this on my breadboard? And what represents the circles on the sides with the lines through them?

Here are two pushbuttons in parallel.
The black and white jumpers go to where you have your one pushbutton placed at present.

Your image is perfect - I was able to replicate it exactly on my board! Is it possible to extend this to ten buttons instead of two using the same logic?

Do you have a plan then?

My struggle extending it to ten buttons instead of two is that the black and white wires come from two pins on the DF Player Mini. I don't know how to connect them to all ten buttons.

Make another pair as you have.

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