Using a Power Bank to Power Servos

I am build a 12 Servo Quadruped robot
Each sg90 will draw a max current of 200mah
The total Current draw 2.4A of current

I want to power these servos with a 2000mah 5v Power bank
The power bank has a output of 1A

Will this still work???????

Maybe, if erratic servo movement is a desirable feature.

I did 18 servos.
If all of the servos are under full load at the same time, I would have needed 18A.
Instead, only 6 servos were under full load at a time, so 6A for the loaded servos and a bit more for the (mostly) idle servos.
I DID attempt this with a voltage regulator that was inadequate. The servos would brown out.

You could try, but keep in mind that you may end up with poor performance.

You could consider going directly to the battery. It will provide much more current that the single stepup regulator that is in place. You could put in your own stepup regulator(s) to get better current, admittedly with a shorter run time.

Each sg90 will draw a max current of 200mah

I doubt that... Let's make that 1A :wink:

So as long as you only move one servo at the same time and detach() the rest, probably. Otherwise, not a chance.

Stall current is the figure you need to plan around for servos.