I am working on a project to use a bunch of arduinos with Wiznet Ethernet shields and I want to control them all using a single web page. My HTML is a little shaky and I am not sure of the command(s) I need to pass from the webpage to the arduino. I think once I get one, the rest will be pretty much cut and paste.
Some points I want to make:
*First all the arduinos will have a static IP address and will be working on a non-internet connected local network. (ie: My issues are not with networking in general)
*I can start a server off the arduino and do the example where it shows the pins off it's served webpage and I mostly understand how that happens. And I understand how an Arduino serves a webpage to a browser. Since I am using multiple arduinos to control multiple processes and want them all on one webpage; serving a page from an arduino is not going to work.
*All the functions of what I want the arduinos to perform have been coded and tested.
Here is what I want to do in a nutshell:
have a web toggle switch like this: Creating Sleek On/Off Button with CSS3 - Hongkiat control a variable on the arduino board to start and stop the functions.
Here is the pseudo code:
On the arduino: While X is 0 perform nothing // X is the variable that the webpage would send.(or taken as the variable)
While X is 1 start functions
On the webpage:
When user clicks on button: send 0 or 1 to the arduino depending on whether the previous state was On or Off ( 0 if it was on, and 1 if it was off.)
I need the commands for both the arduino to receive the variable from the webpage and the html to send the variable to the arduino. the code for the button is in CSS.
I imagine that I can frame this in a single webpage and make a header and description of what the Arduino is doing and then copy and paste to build another frame with another toggle switch...
I have tried looking at other toggle switches and I think someone asked a similar question, but it delved into more networking issues than my question.
Thank you for your help in advance. I am still learning as well.