Hi everyone
I am new to this Arduino world so I would appreciate any help I could get. Thanks in advance.
I want to be able to control the speed of my Stepper Motor and I might want to accelerate/decelerate, so i decided AccelStepper Library would be a good one to utilize. However I am having troubles initiating everything right off the bat.
First off, the Driver I am using (Leadshine DM422C) (here is the data http://www.leadshine.com/UploadFile/Down/DM422Cm.pdf).
This driver has leads for PUL, DIR, OPTO, and ENA. With the ACcelStepper it says to initiate everything like so:
#include <AccelStepper.h>
AccelStepper stepper(1, 11, 10);
Right here I believe I have a problem and I dont know what to do to fix it. This initiation includes PUL and DIR pin intializations but it does not include ENA and OPTO. I feel like i definitely need to include this somewhere. How do I do this?