Using Arduino 1.8.19 can't see any USB port

just remove the STM32 boards from preferences and all will be okay.

Thanks for mentioning this. I had exact the same issue and no idea what caused it. So now I will just make another portable installation of the 1.8.19 IDE with just the STM32 boards.

Which is not possible with the V2 IDE, as it does not support portable installation.

Does the fault even occur when using Arduino IDE 2.x? Arduino IDE 1.x and 2.x have very different port discovery systems so there is a good chance that whatever problem is affecting Arduino IDE 1.8.19 would not affect Arduino IDE 2.x.

I have version 2.8.1 of the "STM32 MCU based boards" platform (AKA "STM32duino") installed and also version 2022.9.26 of the Roger Clark "STM32F1xx/GC32F1xx boards" platform installed, but I don't have any problems with Arduino IDE 1.x or 2.x seeing my ports.

@unLike which STM32 platform are you using?

That''s the version (and 2.8.0) that creates the problem. When I downgrade that version to 2.7.1 or 2.7.0 the com port(s) become visible again.

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Well, I think I found the cause of my problem described on the page you referred to earlier