I am in the middle of a summer project which entails my trying to use an Arduiono Uno to control a Hamamatsu Digital Color Sensor (Red, Green, Blue). We are trying to build an optical oxygen/pH probe. I have never programmed before so there has been a lot of trial and error and accessing various tutorials. However, I am stuck!
At this point I am working on calibrating the sensor for 0% oxygen levels (maximum emission). We want the Red emission to be at about 3,000 nm, which will be the maximum as it will decrease when oxygen is present as oxygen-quenching occurs.
To get the emission at this 3,000 nm value I am calibrating the gate time of the digital color sensor using the gatetimeCALIBRATION function. This seems to work great; however when I run back through the rtogRATIO function, using this calibrated gate time (gtc), I do not get a new, higher red, green or blue emission. The new (correct) gate time (gtc) is successfully printed as though it is being used by this function, but I seem to get the same red, green and blue emission values as when the gatetimeCALIBRATION function is used (and the gate time delay is 2 ms instead of over 100 ms). *This is supposed to all occur in the set_ZERO function.
Any ideas and help are much appreciated!
Here is my code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
/*Color Sensor Read (print out results)
* obtained from https://github.com/warpling/Chameleon-Chair/blob/master/Adrunio%20Programs/ColorSensorRead/ColorSensorRead.ino
* June, 30, 2015
* Adapted for Hamamatsu Digital Color Sensor S11012-01CR
int ColorArray[12][3]; //columns: O-Red, 1-Green, 2-Blue Rows: 0-LSB..11-MSB
int Red = 0;
int Green = 1;
int Blue = 2;
//Assign digital addresses for communication
int LEDflash = 13;
int Range = 6;
int Gate = 7;
int CK = 8;
int DataIn = 9;
int RedV; //actual values of Red emission after first trial
unsigned long gtc; //gate time calibration-initialize to 2 ms
float slope;
float RG;
float RG0;
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second
pinMode(DataIn, INPUT);
pinMode(Range, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Gate, OUTPUT);
pinMode(CK, OUTPUT);
pinMode (LEDflash, OUTPUT);
void loop (){
void calibrate()
Serial.println("When you are ready to begin calibrating your oxygen sensor at 0% oxygen, press any key ");//Prompt User for Input
while(Serial.available()==0) { // Wait for User to Input Data
RG0=set_zero(); //call set_zero function
float set_zero() {
gtc = gatetimeCALIBRATION();
delay (500);
RG0 = rtogRATIO ();
Serial.print("RG0: ");
return RG0;
unsigned long gatetimeCALIBRATION(){ //Operating sequence 1 - preparation
digitalWrite (Range, HIGH); //set sensitivity: High = high sensitivity
delay (5); //hold time t4-datasheet
digitalWrite (CK, LOW);
digitalWrite (Gate, HIGH); //turn on Hamamatsu chip
digitalWrite (LEDflash, HIGH); //turn on illuminating LEDs
delay (2); //default time for LED is 2 ms *this is the gate time which is being calibrated
digitalWrite (LEDflash, LOW); //turn off illuminating LEDs
digitalWrite (Gate, LOW); //turn off Hamamatsu chip
//Operating sequence 2 - data transfer
for (int m=0; m<3; m++){ //loop through Red, Green, Blue color
for (int n=0; n<12; n++){ //loop through data bits, LSB first
// read the input pin:
digitalWrite(CK, HIGH); //clock rising edge (data change at rising edge)
delay(1); //clock high state
ColorArray[n][m] = digitalRead(DataIn); //read bit from sensor
// ColorArray[n][m] = bitRead(analogRead(1),0); //read LSB bit from analog input as random data for testing purposes
digitalWrite(CK, LOW); //clock falling edge
delay(1); //clock low state
//collect bits from array to ints for each color
for (int n=0; n<12; n++)
bitWrite(Red, n, ColorArray[n][0]);
bitWrite(Green, n, ColorArray[n][1]);
bitWrite(Blue, n, ColorArray[n][2]);
//print array data
for (int n=0; n<12; n++){ //loop through data bits
for (int m=0; m<3; m++){ //loop through Red, Green, Blue color
Serial.println(""); //spacer
//print out the results
Serial.print("Red: ");
Serial.print("Green: ");
Serial.print("Blue: ");
//print color data array in binary
Serial.println(""); //spacer
Serial.print("Red_BIN: ");
Serial.println(Red, BIN);
Serial.print("Green_BIN: ");
Serial.println(Green, BIN);
Serial.print("Blue_BIN: ");
Serial.println(Blue, BIN);
Serial.println(""); //spacer
Serial.println("--------------------"); //spacer
Serial.println(""); //spacer
{ //calibrate gate time
gtc = ((3000.0 * 2.0)/(Red));
//print gate time (gtc)
Serial.print("Set Gate Time at: ");
return gtc;
float rtogRATIO() {//float function to set red to green emission ratio
digitalWrite (Range, HIGH); //set sensitivity: High = high sensitivity
delay (5); //hold time t4-datasheet
digitalWrite (CK, LOW);
digitalWrite (Gate, HIGH); //turn on Hamamatsu chip
digitalWrite (LEDflash, HIGH); //turn on illuminating LEDs
delay (gtc); //gtc calculated in gatetimecalibration()
digitalWrite (LEDflash, LOW); //turn off illuminating LEDs
digitalWrite (Gate, LOW); //turn off Hamamatsu chip
Serial.print ("gtc: ");
Serial.println (gtc);
for (int n=0; n<12; n++){ //loop through data bits
for (int m=0; m<3; m++){ //loop through Red, Green, Blue color
Serial.println(""); //spacer
//print out the results
Serial.print("Red: ");
Serial.print("Green: ");
Serial.print("Blue: ");
float RtoG = float(Red)/float(Green);
Serial.print("RedtoGreen emission ratio: ");
Serial.print("gtc value: ");
return RtoG;
void flush_buffer(void)
{ int num;
{num = Serial.available();
if (num == 0)
{ break;}
{Serial.read(); }